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Premium Armor® Sportsman
Sunflower Plot Seed

Backed by more than 20 years of industry experience, Armor® Seed has teamed up with partnering brand CROPLAN® Seed to bring you Armor Sportsman sunflower plot seed. We’re proud to offer two premium quality seed products positioned for planting food plots for doves. Both of these elite sunflower hybrids possess strong yield potential, high oil content and good drought tolerance.

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Armor Dove Pro 17

Early Maturity, Short Height Sunflower Hybrid

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Armor Dove Pro 21

Full-season, Med-Tall Height Sunflower Hybrid

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Armor Dove Pro 55

Mid-season, Medium Height Sunflower Hybrid

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Armor Dove Pro SS 99

Extremely Early Maturity, Super Short Height Sunflower Hybrid

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Armor Sportsman CL

Elite Sunflower Hybrid, Variety not Specific

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Armor Sportsman Sunflower Plot Seed Product Specs

  • Minimum germination guarantee: 90%
  • True hybrid and same hybrid year in, year out
  • Bag size: 10 lb. & 25 lb. options
  • High quality, uniform size graded seed
  • Seed size: 2, 3, & 4 (actual seed size and maturity listed on tag)
  • Clearfield® Production System trait for effective weed control
  • Compatible with CruiserMaxx® Sunflowers, Dynasty® and Lumisena fungicide seed treatments

Closeup of a Sunflower Field

Sunflower Food Plot Benefits

Why Sunflowers?

There are several factors that make sunflowers a highly attractive food plot source for birds and desirable for landowners, as well:

  • Nutritional Value: Sunflower seeds are chock full of nutrients, proteins, vitamins and fats that are essential for the metabolism of doves and many other birds and wild animals. Once the crop reaches full maturity, seeds are easily accessible to doves.

  • Yearlong wildlife habitat: Leaving the stalks standing and fields undisturbed over winter also provides an excellent food source for wildlife.

  • Increase leased land value: Planting food plots for doves and other game animals can increase the value of hunting land when leasing to groups or individuals.

  • Drought tolerant: Sunflowers are generally known as a drought-tolerant crop, which is helpful when dry growing conditions persist. Thanks to a deep taproot that extends 4 to 6 feet, sunflowers can access residual soil moisture and nutrients that are lost to most other crops.

  • Weed control: Both of our Armor® Sportsman sunflower plot seed products – Armor Dove Pro 21 and Dove Pro 55 – are equipped with the Clearfield® Production System trait. This allows for an in-season application of Beyond® herbicide, which provides the best weed control results when it's applied between the 2- and 8-leaf stages. Introducing this alternate mode-of-action on your field also has the potential to control weed populations that have developed resistance to other herbicides. In addition to improving sunflower yield potential, effective weed control also helps provide doves with bare ground for feeding.

  • Improve soils: When left undisturbed after the growing season, a sunflower crop’s decomposing root system can increase your soil’s organic matter content and water holding capacity. The deep taproot can also help alleviate soil compaction issues.

  • Good rotation crop: Sunflowers rotate well with other crops that are used for dove food plots, such as corn, milo, millet, wheat and even barley.

Food Plot Establishment

Choosing the right location and planting the right size is key to creating a successful food plot. You might be able to attract doves with a small sunflower plot, but you’ll get them to stay by establishing a larger, well-managed plot with the right surroundings.

Location Selection

When choosing an area for your food plot, make sure there are good nesting and roosting areas nearby. From an agronomic perspective, you also should seek out a well-drained, fertile site that can be easily accessed by planting and maintenance equipment.

Important dove habitat considerations include:

  • Nesting cover, like trees and shrubs.
  • Roosting cover and perching sites, like power lines, tree groves or fence line shrubs.
  • Dependable sources for grit and fresh water within a mile.

Plot Size

The most common food plot sizes are 5-20 acres. You’ll still attract doves if you plant smaller fields, but they won’t hold a good quantity of birds in the long term. Smaller fields will also require you to more closely manage the number of birds harvested and frequency at which they’re hunted. If you’re looking to attract a larger number of birds, larger food plots are better.

If space and budget permits, you might want to consider planting two separate sunflower food plots within the same vicinity so you can hunt them on an even/odd day schedule. This practice can help doves feel more comfortable, which can help you retain more birds.

Locating the right plot for your sunflowers

Federal & State Baiting Laws and Regulations

Since mourning doves are federally regulated migratory birds, it’s essential to observe and adhere to all federal and state laws and regulations when creating food plots.

When in doubt, be sure to consult local, state, and DNR game and wildlife official guidelines to ensure compliance.

Closeup of a Dove

About Mourning Doves

Feed, Migration & Roosting

The most common of the North American dove species, mourning doves have a slim body and long, tapered tail. The bird’s quick flight, erratic movements and edible meat make them a popular species among hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. Being lean, dark and tender, many food connoisseurs consider dove meat to be a delicacy.

Feeding Behavior

Mourning doves typically forage on the ground, but occasionally perch on plants to take seeds, as well. The birds eat quickly to fill their crop with seeds, and then return to its nest to digest while resting. Since their diet is so focused on seeds, they regularly swallow gritty materials like sand and small gravel to aid in digestion.


A dove’s diet consists primarily of seeds. While they prefer seeds of cultivated grains, grasses and ragweed, they’re opportunistic feeders and will eat seeds from many other plants. They occasionally eat snails, but very rarely feast on insects.


The breeding range of doves runs from Mexico up to southern Canada. They can’t tolerate cold weather, so fall migration in the northern portion of the range can begin in late August. Most of those birds arrive at their southern wintering grounds by October and November. Southern birds, however, typically don’t migrate.

About ARMOR® Sunflowers

Product Selection

In the seed business, experience matters. That’s why Armor® Seed is proud to partner with CROPLAN® Seed, which has been a leader in the sunflower industry for more than 20 years. That history and know-how enables us to offer you a broad spectrum of diverse, high-quality sunflower genetics.

Thanks to the extensive testing and screening conducted locally through the Answer Plot® program, we can help select the best sunflower genetics for your operation. We offer genetics that can help manage disease pressure in your fields, with hybrids that can be positioned based on specific field stresses. We also have the latest traits in out portfolio. That’s technology – and experience – you can count on.

Seed Technology

Our elite sunflower germplasm is combined with the latest traits and technologies to help you meet the specific challenges in each area of your field, no matter what conditions you face.

The best season-ending yield comes from the best season-starting seed. Our 20+ years of unbiased testing and more than 6 million Answer Plot® data points help pinpoint that seed for you. We provide a broad selection of high-performing seeds. Once in the ground, our personalized in-season insights and advice can help you optimize your potential return on investment on every acre.

Closeup of ARMOR® Sunflowers

Armor® Seed, Cornerstone®, CROPLAN®, Section® and WinField® are registered trademarks of WinField United. Clearfield® and Beyond® are trademarks of BASF. CruiserMaxx® and Dynasty® are trademarks of Syngenta. Roundup PowerMAX® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. Lumisena is a trademark of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies.

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