How Does Your Corn Grow?
Growing Degree Days (GDDs)—also known as Heat Units or Growing Degree Units (GDUs)—are a measure of heat accumulation used to help predict plant growth develop...
Seed Treatment
Many of you use a seed treatment on your beans every year and some of you never use one. That can be chalked up to personal preference as a grower.
Soybeans: Irrigation Termination
Determining when to terminate irrigation in soybeans can be difficult. When making this decision, the goal is to make sure that adequate soil moisture is available to ensure the soybean seeds reach maximum size.
Corn Planting: Quick Hits
So, some of our more southern friends have a jump on the rest of us when it comes to getting their corn in the ground this year.
Not So Fast: Is it really Eye Spot?
We’ve been seeing some disease in corn this season which we originally thought to be Eyespot. However, upon further investigation, the diagnosis is Curvularia Leaf Spot.